My Valentine

I'm bleeding
Red and scented like a valentine.
Or a warm glass of burgundy wine on a tablecloth
Checked red and white.

Inside me is the sunset colored wildflower
Bleeding its colors on the field
Juice stemmed, sugar petaled.

Most months I've cried raw.
Yet today I laugh with a mouth red, with
Scarlet drops of honey on my lips.

Inside I am as vivid as the planet Mars
On fire
Orbiting within the waters of the Red Sea,
And emerging pure, pure, and
Bleeding this special red,
This honeyed red,
This scarlet, my scarlet, my love.

[Janice Eidus, poem] [Sue Weinstein, drawing]
Janice Eidus
Interview with Janice by Thad Rutkowski
Book Review: War of the Rosens
City Lights
copyright thin ice press 2007
copyright janice eidus 1997-2007
copyright sue weinstein 1997-2007